Thursday, January 19, 2012

Umm, WOW!!

So it has been a year or two OK maybe 3 since I posted. A ton of stuff has happened. Jayson goes to the Child Development Center for preschool (this is his 2nd year) for his speech issues. He will start Kindergarten in the fall. He is so smart and has an attitude that gets him into trouble. Brenden is now in the second grade. He learned to ride a bike without training wheels at that beginning of the summer. He is so smart. He turned the big 8 on Dec. 16, 2011.  He just started scouts. So far he is enjoying it. Jay and I tagged teamed in church for teaching primary. I was released from that calling in the middle of Nov. 2011 I am now 2nd councilor in the primary. I like it. I work with a bunch of great ladies.

We had a reunion of sorts in Idaho in July. Kim and her family, Mom and Dad and Charles' kids, Aunt Billie, Uncle Kenny and Jeary Ann as well as My family were there. Charles, Ashley and Stacer couldn't be there. It was fun, crazy, and exhausting but like I said FUN!!!! We went to Yellowstone while we were there. Lots of people and lots of miscommunication happened but that is the breaks of traveling with 18 crazy people. Jayson learned how to ride a BIG bike without training wheels while we were in Island Park, ID. He now wants to do wheelies and ride a dirt bike. Crazy kid!!

Jay and I decided we wanted to take the boys to Disneyland the week of Christmas break. We started planning back in May. I like the fact that Disney lets you make payments when you can. We left for Disney on Christmas day. The boys were "sorta" excited. Goobers! How can you not be excited to go to Disneyland!? WE had so much fun while there. The weather was AWESOME!! I didn't want to leave and come back to the cold. The park was filled to capacity everyday we were there. We got there early and got on the rides we wanted to. The average wait time for a ride after 10 am was 75 min. Disney does keep the line moving so you really don't feel like you have been in line for that long. We got the 4 day park hopper pass and our room all in one package which saves money big time. We paid 1750ish dollars for the 4 of us. We plan on going back to Cali to visit Sea World, Legoland, and anything else we didn't make it to.

Sorry for the jumping around. I am trying to remember everything that has happened. In Dec 2010 Jayson had surgery yet again for tubes in his ears as well as his tonsils and adenoids taken out. He sleeps so much better and his speech is TONS better for it. In Jan 2010 I had a hysterectomy and I feel much better though I DO NOT handle the cold well AT ALL.

In Jan 2011 we refied our house. We will have it paid off in 14 more years!! YAY!!! That is 2 years sooner then our first mortgage and 8 years sooner then our second (if I remember right). We also bought a new truck. We bought it in Oct 2011. It is a red 2011 Nissan Titan. Who would have thought we would own an Import vehicle. LOL!! Gosh, I can think of anything else right now. Hopefully I will do better.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not much happened since the last post but.....

In April we went to the ER for Jayson. His left ear was leaking(gross) from the tube they put in. We had Easter. Mom, Dad, Charles, Ashley, Rae, and Cahara came down. It was pretty fun. Went to my Grandmas for her birthday/ moms day. Went to the ER yet again for Jayson. He fell and split his noggin open. I know head wounds bleed alot but by the time I got him into the house blood was running down his neck. We spent 2 hrs in the Vernal ER. Jayson did well for the first hourish but the second part not so much. He got one lonely little stitch because it was a pretty deep cut. UMMM lets see what else has happened. I guess not much since my thinkifier isn't thinkin of anything else.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Brenden is so proud of himself. We have been trying to get him to write his name. So Jay made dots for everybodies name and he traced it. We are happy to be this far.
Brenden with his two top teeth gone. Before his bottom one fell out
So cute!!!

Well alot has happened since my last post. Jan 27th Brenden had his two top teeth pulled and then the following week lost one of his bottom, front teeth. He looks so cute. He is now starting to get his bottom one in and the other front, bottom is loose. Then on Wednesday Jayson got tubes put in his ears. What a difference that has made in his attitude. He is so much more happier. So is the rest of us. He has since learned a new word. It happens to be NO. Little stink. Jay is doing good. Onery as ever but I love him all the more. I am doing fine.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some pics of Brendens 5th birthday

We celebrated Brendens 5th birthday at the bowling alley. Sorry some of the pics are blurry. He had so much fun. WE all had fun. I can't believe that he turned 5. In this first pic left to right is Karlee, Alek and Brenden

I am terrible about this

Well alot has happened since Oct. The sickies hit us hard in Nov. I ended up with a major sinus and ear infection. Jayson got another ear infection. Jay got sick as well. I forgot to get my drivers license renewed on my birthday~ it is ok because I looked and felt like death warmed over~ I didn't need my drivers license pic to look worse then they already do*giggle* We had a good Thanksgiving. Brenden turned 5 on the 16th of Dec. and then we had Christmas. Brenden got sick on New Years Eve and Day. We had Jaysons well baby check up and found out that he is underweight(as in he lost weight from being sick) He also has had an ear infection. The 6th one in the last year. We take him back in on Feb 4th for a weight recheck and to see if the fluid behind his ears is gone. If not then we are looking at tubes. *sigh*. Brenden has his first loose tooth and is none to excited about it. He doesn't want to loose it. He will be getting his top 2 front teeth removed on the 27th. He has an infection that just isn't going away. It all stems from when he smacked his teeth on the side of the tub when he was 13 mos old and then again when he smacked them when he was almost 2. Poor kid. Come this time in 2 weeks he will be rather toothless. I am kind of sad about this. He is growing up so fast. He went to see walking with Dinosaurs with his cousin Alek yesterday. He like it. They didn't get home until 10:30 p.m. so he is in a whiney mood today.

We put bunk beds up for the boys. They give them more room to play. Brenden likes the fact that he can get away from Jayson if he feels he needs some alone time. Jayson likes it because he can get out of bed when he feels like it. We gave his crib to a very young couple who didn't have the money to buy a crib for their little boy. We didn't want to just give the crib to a second hand store we wanted it to go to some who needed it. I will have to admit that it is kind of sad that that part of our lives is over. UMMM lets see I think that is it for the update. I will post pics later. If I remember. LOL

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The sickies have hit

The sickies hit our household. Last week and still even some this week I have been sick and then Friday Brenden started getting it and now he is a whiney, sick 4 yr old. He is running a little bit of a fever , has a runny nose and did I mention whiney? I hope that it isn't the flu as we haven't got our flu shots yet. We will be getting those on Nov. 3rd. So far Jayson just has a runny nose and a touch of (sorry tmi alert) diarreah. He gets diarreah when he gets sick and then he get diaper rash. Poor kid. So far Jay hasn't had any signs of a cold *whew*. I have been coughing alot at night and keeping everyone awake so I slept downstairs.